Great, you made it until here! This file contains instructions on how to import [osmtile_europe_austria] to your database of choice. To do so, please provide a PostgreSQL database, with the following extensions installed first: {postgis, hstore} The installation of extensions can be carried out as follows: psql -d [targetDatabase] -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;" psql -d [targetDatabase] -c "CREATE EXTENSION hstore;" Finally, restore the dump by executing pg_restore --no-owner -d [targetDatabase] [fileName] Alternatively, provide the clean option to overwrite existing tables during import: pg_restore --clean --no-owner -d [targetDatabase] [fileName] To improve processing time, hand over parameter j to use multiple concurrent jobs: pg_restore -j 4 --clean --no-owner -d [targetDatabase] [fileName] This results in a new database schema [osmtile_europe_austria] within your target database.